Dr. Web’s Water Treatment Program

Dr. Web can save you money.
Up to 55% of the cost of water treatment chemicals are due to the costs of a sales representative.

Dr. Web thinks there is a better way that will allow you to save money on water treatment chemicals you need:

Water Testing: Your staff tests as usual

Record Keeping: Your staff records the testing results
You staff uploads the results weekly to Dr. Web who reviews the testing your staff did using statistical process control and other tools and offers recommendations for improvement live via a Web chat. The benefit to you is you get the attention of Dr. Web weekly versus once a month.

Testing by Dr. Web: Once a month you take samples and mail them to Dr. Web who runs the tests in his laboratory and reports the results back to you both in writing and live via a Web Chat. The benefit to you is you you still get live in person help but do not have to pay the costs of a representative driving a company car burning fuel and time to see you.


Water Treatment Chemicals by Dr. Web: You place the order for chemicals you need on the Web. The benefit to you is you no longer have to issue a purchase order.

Equipment inspections: Dr. makes house calls when you need him. Just schedule any time.

Personal Special Visit: When you need a personal visit, Dr. Web will dispatch to your location.

Call Dr. Web Anytime: He is available any time to take your call should you need him.

Getting Started: Give us a call to schedule your first appointment where Dr. Web will come to your facility, sample your water, and give you the option to start saving money today.